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Change Your Life with the Sound of Your Voice

If everyone stopped talking, our personal energy would drop. Our voice creates vibrational energy – that subtly enlivens us! Ancient people knew the power in sounds and words - not from the word’s meaning, but from its sounds. The power is soft, but ever influencing us.

Throughout antiquity spiritual groups emphasized words and our voices. The Sufi Master Hazrat Inyat Khan said, "As we delve into the mysteries of life, we discover the whole secret is hidden in what we call words. All occult science, all mystical practices are based upon the science of the word or sound."[1] The power of a word is not its meaning, but its energy – its sound.

People carry energy and intent in their voices. For example, Jesus’ miracles were triggered by His verbal commands. His personal energy was embodied in the energy of His words. His words and the sound of his voice was a crucial part of His miracles.

Hazat Inyat Khan commented, “The fortunate person has a different voice… than the one who is not. When you compare the voices of great people with the voices of others, there is a great difference. From the voice, you can determine the stage of a person's evolution. You do not need to see him; just his voice will tell you how far he has evolved. The character of a person is evident in his voice. And there comes a change in the voice with every step of spiritual evolution.”[2]

Khan continues, “Healing that comes through a change of mind or feeling, instigated by personal will, simply does not have the sustaining power to be permanent or complete. True healing requires the transformational ability of sound."[3] Many masters agree. Theosophist Alice Bailey wrote that only sound gives us transformative power to substantially improve our personality. This is best done with the sound of one’s voice.

Few people realize that they can change their life force with their speaking voice. We can spend part of every day to develop our voice. Our words exchange energy with who we are. It is not just that the voice is a reflection of who we are, but when we can change our voice, we change who we are. Our voice and our soul have a two-way street between them. Change is easier and more powerful by changing your voice than using our will power. We can increase our vitality and power by using our voices for healing. Jill Mattson will be in an interview on You Wealth Revolution on how to change your voice for a multitude of benefits.

Throughout time, there are many ways to change your life with your voice. Ancient Egyptians drank water, after soaking words written on something edible that had soaked in their drink. Ingesting the water - altered by the written word - was done to receive beneficial energies.

Historian Schwaller de Lubicz[4] discovered that the ancient Egyptians used “sound formulas” – not comprised of words nor meanings, but… “Sacred or magical language that is not understood with definite meanings. The utterance of certain letters or words which make no sense in themselves creates physiologic changes .”[5] Magic words are more a subtle science than capricious child’s play.

Language sounds have been used as subtle energy healing power for the body, mind and soul in former times. For example, the Taoists from ancient China wrote that: * Ssss helps the lunges * Who is for kidneys * Sshhh is for liver * Haw is for heart * Woo is for spleen

As you speak, pay attention to where sounds resonate in your body. Which sounds are enjoyable, making you lighter and feeling better?

Other languages and cultures linked sounds with very specific healing benefits! "Hu" is the mystical Sufi sacred sound... "Hu" creates a burning sensation in one's head if you say it over and over. “Ha,” also begins with H, stimulating glands, especially the thymus. Today, the medical society confirms that laughter sounds (“ha, ha” sounds) boosts the immune system.

Masaru Emoto provided pictures revealing the impact of words on freezing water crystals. Beautiful shapes were created by kind and loving words. How do your words sound? What are you creating when you speak?

The sounds of words subtly forms matter. Beautiful words create beauty in a subtle form. Can you imagine the impact of speaking with love, in every word that comes out of your mouth? Who would have ever imagined that we have such a powerful force – hidden within our very selves…..our voice.

[1] Khan, Inayat, Hazrat. The Music of Life, Omega Publishing: New Lebanon, N.Y., 1983. Pg. 228. [2] Khan, Hazrat, Inayat, The Music of Life, Omega Publishing: New Lebanon, N, Y., 1983. Pg. 95. [3] Sikh Guru Nanak, Pg. 143. [4] R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz in his book, ‘Sacred Science.’ In this quote he refers to the Corpus Hermeticum. [5]

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